Drink plenty of water to keep halitosis at bay.
Worry about bad breath? Here’s how to deal with it!
How to find out if you really have it: We aren’t quite able to smell our own breath. Floss between your teeth and smell the floss after 45 seconds or scrape the back of your tongue with a clean cloth and smell it after 45 seconds and you will get to know if you have halitosis.
Have you experienced any of the following?
Your bad breath is interfering with your social or professional success.
You frequently have a bad taste in your mouth.
People step back from you when you are talking to them, or they avoid direct contact with you.
Somebody has commented on your bad breath, or offered you mints or chewing gum.
You experience a white or yellow film on your tongue.
If you answered yes to any of the above you likely have a chronic bad breath problem.
- What causes bad breath: In 80-90% of cases, halitosis is caused by tartar deposits on teeth, the other reasons being dental cavities and gum diseases. Unclean dentures, some medicines and strong smelling garlic, onion, alcohol and even smoking can be responsible for an unpleasant mouth and odour. Left uncured, this may cause you embarrassment and dip your confidence levels in long run.
- How to stop it now: Brush teeth for 2 minutes twice a day, especially after dinner. Avoid snacking after brushing. Rinse between meals and use lukewarm salt water as a mouthwash. Drink plenty of water and eat a well-balanced diet consisting of vegetables and salads. You can also chew cardamom seeds as an instant mouth freshener. Last, but not the least, get dental scaling and cleaning done every year.
Have a Happy Smile!
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