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Tips For Great Hair

If you want good hair, you must remember and take note that no matter what you do for your hair to look good- but the main point is nutrition. Good nutrition, adequate rest, and good personal grooming habits are extremely important for great here.

Sometimes, our efforts are not good enough to do any good to our hair. Rather this kind of indisciplined and incorrect effort does more harm than any good.  Today, we bleach, dye, sunburn, overwash, undercondition, expose to the elements, fry, stretch, and break our hair. But good thing is we still can do a lot to prevent hair damage protect our hair.

Here are few tips to get great hair:
  • Stay Dandruff-Free: Not washing hair properly, frequent use of hair sprays and gels, excessive use of hot curling irons, poor hair-friendly diet or even stress can cause dandruff. So stay clean and nourished and steer clear off dandruff.
  •  Be Careful With Hair Serums: Do not overuse shine products to control frizzes -- they often contain silicone that can coat your hair after just a few applications and can prove harmful.
  • Don't Rub The Towel Back And Forth on your Head: Did you know that if you use a towel after your shower to dry your hair you are causing split ends and adding static electricity to your hair. Instead of rubbing the towel back and forth over your hair, scrunch the towel around your hair like you would scrunch crackers in your soup.
  •  Brush Before Shampooing: A few gentle strokes on dry hair will help remove product buildup and scalp flakes, as well as stimulate the scalp and promote blood flow (which delivers nutrients like oxygen) to hair follicles.
  • Know Your Water: If your hair looks dull or is hard to style, the problem could be your tap water. Water contains natural minerals (called "hard water") that can leave hair lusterless and hard to manage and can impart a brassy, orange hue. Soft water, on the other hand, has fewer damaging minerals.
  • Get Regular Oil Massage: Oil massage (remember olive oil) soothes your hair and scalp, while making the skin on your head active. Massages help in relieving all kinds of pressures, and make the body parts function properly again. Coconut milk s another ingredient that can make the hair strong and shiny. Applying coconut milk on hair can make the hair healthy. So, don't forget the benefits of coconut milk for hair.
  • Choose All Hair Products With Great Care: With the dawn of too much of information available on various websites, the confusion of a general reader has only increased. But with some time and patience, it will always be possible to differentiate a fake product and a product that works.
  • Do Not Tie Your Hair For Too Long: Leave them freely for as long as possible. However take care that you keep a balance between letting them loose and tying them up.
  • Trim Your Troubles: As the ends of your hair get older and damaged by rough handling, they become prone to splitting.  Get regular trims, at least 1/2 inch every four to eight weeks.
  • Healthy Diet: Last but not the least, Take a balanced-diet whenever you take food. A Balanced diet is a diet that contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals apart from proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Water is such an important part of our life that we almost ignore it or take it for granted. Hair has and needs certain moisture in the scalp for it to grow healthily. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day. You will not only find healthy hair, you will find improved skin texture too.
For more on hair tips you must read, Top 10 Foods for Hair That Prevent Hair Loss.

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Tips For Great Hair

Posted by Sourav RC
If you want good hair, you must remember and take note that no matter what you do for your hair to look good- but the main point is nutrition. Good nutrition, adequate rest, and good personal grooming habits are extremely important for great here.

Sometimes, our efforts are not good enough to do any good to our hair. Rather this kind of indisciplined and incorrect effort does more harm than any good.  Today, we bleach, dye, sunburn, overwash, undercondition, expose to the elements, fry, stretch, and break our hair. But good thing is we still can do a lot to prevent hair damage protect our hair.

Here are few tips to get great hair:
  • Stay Dandruff-Free: Not washing hair properly, frequent use of hair sprays and gels, excessive use of hot curling irons, poor hair-friendly diet or even stress can cause dandruff. So stay clean and nourished and steer clear off dandruff.
  •  Be Careful With Hair Serums: Do not overuse shine products to control frizzes -- they often contain silicone that can coat your hair after just a few applications and can prove harmful.
  • Don't Rub The Towel Back And Forth on your Head: Did you know that if you use a towel after your shower to dry your hair you are causing split ends and adding static electricity to your hair. Instead of rubbing the towel back and forth over your hair, scrunch the towel around your hair like you would scrunch crackers in your soup.
  •  Brush Before Shampooing: A few gentle strokes on dry hair will help remove product buildup and scalp flakes, as well as stimulate the scalp and promote blood flow (which delivers nutrients like oxygen) to hair follicles.
  • Know Your Water: If your hair looks dull or is hard to style, the problem could be your tap water. Water contains natural minerals (called "hard water") that can leave hair lusterless and hard to manage and can impart a brassy, orange hue. Soft water, on the other hand, has fewer damaging minerals.
  • Get Regular Oil Massage: Oil massage (remember olive oil) soothes your hair and scalp, while making the skin on your head active. Massages help in relieving all kinds of pressures, and make the body parts function properly again. Coconut milk s another ingredient that can make the hair strong and shiny. Applying coconut milk on hair can make the hair healthy. So, don't forget the benefits of coconut milk for hair.
  • Choose All Hair Products With Great Care: With the dawn of too much of information available on various websites, the confusion of a general reader has only increased. But with some time and patience, it will always be possible to differentiate a fake product and a product that works.
  • Do Not Tie Your Hair For Too Long: Leave them freely for as long as possible. However take care that you keep a balance between letting them loose and tying them up.
  • Trim Your Troubles: As the ends of your hair get older and damaged by rough handling, they become prone to splitting.  Get regular trims, at least 1/2 inch every four to eight weeks.
  • Healthy Diet: Last but not the least, Take a balanced-diet whenever you take food. A Balanced diet is a diet that contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals apart from proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Water is such an important part of our life that we almost ignore it or take it for granted. Hair has and needs certain moisture in the scalp for it to grow healthily. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day. You will not only find healthy hair, you will find improved skin texture too.
For more on hair tips you must read, Top 10 Foods for Hair That Prevent Hair Loss.

1 comments on "Tips For Great Hair"

bloggerkk on March 12, 2013 at 10:44 AM said...

I like this stunning Hair Tips post
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