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What is Alcohol Abuse? Alcohol is one of the most commonly abused drugs in the world. Moderate drinking of alcohol is not harmful for most adults. But excessive consumption of alcohol can lead to many problems. Alcohol slows down the brain’s function and helps to relax. Normally moderate drinking is defined as two alcoholic drinks per day for men and one alcoholic drink per day for women. People who are... From: What is Alcohol Abuse?

Health Benefits of Apricot

The apricot is one of the most important health fruits. It belongs to the sub-acid class. Apricot is very nutritious and tonic food and enjoys world wide popularity.

The apricot is believed to have originated in China, where it has been cultivated for over 4,000 years. It was regarded as a food medicine by Greek physicians and while the Romans dedicated it to Venus- the goddess of love.

Health Benefits of Apricot:
   Constipation: Apricot is highly valued as a gentle laxative and is beneficial in the treatment of constipation. This is due to its cellulose and protein contents. The cellulose - which is not digested, act as a roughage- that indigestible part of the food which helps the bowel movement and the pectin which absorbs and retains water, thereby stimulating smooth bowel movement.

    Anaemia: The apricot is an excellent food remedy for anaemia on account of its high content of iron. The small but essential amount of copper in the fruit makes iron available to the body.   
  •  Fevers: Fresh juice of apricots, mixed with glucose and honey, is a very cooling drink during fevers. It quenches the thirst and eliminates the waste products from the body.
  • Skin Diseases: Fresh juice of apricot leaves is useful in skin diseases. It can be applied with beneficial results in scabies, eczema, sun-burn and itching of the skin due to cold exposure.      
  • Indigestion: Apricots have an alkaline reaction in the system. They aid the digestion, if consumed before a meal. Marmalade, made from originally grown fruit, is also valuable in the treatment of nervous indigestion.
Apricots are rich in natural sugars, vitamins A and C, riboflavin (B2) and niacin (B3). The nut of the apricot is rich in protein and fat and is considered as valuable as any other nut.

You might be interested in: Health Benefits of Avocado

An Overview: Tips for Healthy Skin

These days’ people are becoming more and more health conscious as well conscious about their outer look. Skin care is part of healthy lifestyle. Ever wondered why skin care is so important. Skin covers outer body, hence making it most vulnerable to dust, pollution, seasonal changes, etc. Mental stress, physical stress all directly affects the skin, and the results are visible.

Taking care of skin can be done in two ways. The first way of taking care is by external methods. The second way is by consuming right type of food. Healthy skin needs healthy diet. There are foods some foods which are great for the skin. But skin care by external methods depends on the skin type. There are three basic skin types oily, dry and combination.

There are four most common skin types- oily skin, dry skin, combination skin and sensitive skin.

Oily Skin: Your genes and hormones play the key role in whether or not you have oily skin. Diet probably has little, if anything, to do with whether or not you have oily skin. Oily skin is usually shiny in appearance due to oil present in skin layer. Therefore it attracts more dust, which tends to stick to the skin. The most important thing you can do for oily skin is to keep your skin clean using warm water and soap, or a soap-less cleanser. Clean your face with astringent pads if frequent face washing causes irritation. Use only water-based or oil-free cosmetics if you have oily skin.

Dry Skin: Dry skin is most common in your lower legs, arms, flanks (sides of the abdomen), and thighs. It happens more often in the winter when cold air outside and heated air inside cause low humidity. Forced-air furnaces make skin even drier. Dust does not tend to settle on dry skin as it is not oily. So people with dry skin are not prone to problems like clogging of pores and acne. As the oil contain in the skin layer is less, moisturizing is required.

Combination Skin: Combination skin is a term used to describe facial skin that shows symptoms of both dry skin and oily skin. It is the most common skin type. If there is an oily area around the forehead, nose, and chin, it is often referred to as the T-zone. The best way to treat combination skin is to predominant skin type first. If the majority of the area is oily then treat that first of all or if the majority of the area is dry then you should treat that first. Combination skin is therefore treated differently than dry or oily skin would be alone. Since combination skin has qualities from both dry and oily skin each area of the face should also be cared for differently. As experts say if your combination skin is predominantly dry than treat your skin as a dry skin. In case it’s predominantly oily then you should treat it like a oily skin.

Sensitive Skin: Many people are affected by the redness, dry skin, acne, sunburn, hives and other bumps and blemishes caused by sensitive skin. The cause of sensitive skin may vary from one to another. Since sensitive skin is usually very fragile and delicate, it requires special treatment. Nevertheless, with the right skin care regimen and the products you use, many sensitive skin problems can be managed. You have a sensitive skin then try to determine if any product or food cause irritation to your skin. Stay away from those irritants. Avoid using toners as they contain alcohol which can dry and irritate your skin. Also, dryness can increase your skin’s sensitivity, so it is a good idea to choose water-based and unscented moisturizer. Moisturizing your skin will provide a barrier against irritants that can heighten skin sensitivity. Sensitive skin is prone to sunburn. So apply sunscreen every time you leave the house.
Read More on Skincare: Skincare Tips: Go Natural

10 Foods Highest In Vitamin E

 Vitamin E is a group of 8 fat-soluble vitamins, that are active throughout the body. Antioxidants properties in Vitamin E are great for keeping skin healthy and for helping prevent cancer. Although humans must breathe oxygen to stay alive, oxygen is a risky substance inside the body because it can make molecules overly reactive. When oxygen-containing molecules become too reactive, they can start damaging the cell structures around them. In chemistry, this imbalanced situation involving oxygen is called oxidative stress. Vitamin E helps prevent oxidative stress by working together with a group of nutrients that prevent oxygen molecules from becoming too reactive.

Here are the list of 10 foods that are high in Vitamin E:
  • Raw Sunflower Seeds: Sunflower seeds provide 36.6mg of vitamin E in a 100g serving.Dry Roasted 
  • Almonds: Almonds provide 26.2mg of vitamin E in a 100g serving.
  • Boiled Swiss Chard: This is an excellent source of vitamin E, the body's primary fat-soluble antioxidant.
  • Boiled Spinach: Another excellent source of Vitamin E. It will provide 3.54mg of vitamin E in a 100g serving.
  • Olives: Olives will provide 3.81mg of vitamin E in a 100g.
  • Cooked Turnip Greens: Cooked Turnip Greens provide 2.8 mg of vitamin E in a 100g serving.
  • Pine Nuts: They provide 9.3mg of vitamin E in a 100g.
  • Peanuts: A 100g serving will provide 6.93mg of vitamin E.
  • Dried Apricots: A good source of fiber and many other vitamins, apricots also provide 4.33mg of vitamin E in a 100g serving.
  • Boiled Collard Greens: A 100g serving will provide 3 mg of vitamin E.

Besides these Good sources of vitamin E include parsley, kale, papaya, bell pepper, brussels sprouts, kiwifruit, tomato, blueberries, and broccoli.

Four Silent Symptoms of Stress

Your body sends clues that you need more time for calm. The occasional manic Monday is a fact of modern life, but if you are under chronic stress – suffering daily assault of stress hormones from a demanding job or a personal life in turmoil- symptoms may be subtler. If you experience any of the signs given below, take some time out every day.

Surprising stress symptoms:
Weekend Headaches: A sudden drop in stress can prompt migraines, says Todd Schwedt, MD, director of the Washington University Headache Center. Stick closely to your weekday sleeping and eating schedule to minimise the triggers.

Awful Period Cramps In Women:  The most stressed women are more than twice as likely to get painful cramps as those who are less tense. Researchers blame a stress-induced imbalance of hormones. Exercise can soothe cramps and stress by decreasing sympathetic nervous system activity.
  • An Achy Mouth: A sore jaw may be a sign of teeth grinding, which can be worsened by stress. Ask your dentist about a night time mouth guard.

  • Odd Dreams: When stressed, your sleep is disturbed. So you tend to wake up more often, allowing unpleasant imagery all night. Under stress, people find it difficult to go into the deeper stages of sleep. So they are likely to get up frequently, sometimes for a short while and sometimes for longer. Good sleep habits can help prevent this; aim for 7 to 8 hours a night and avoid caffeine and alcohol close to bed time.

Read more about stress- What is stress and How to overcome stress?

Stop Bad Breath

Drink plenty of water to keep halitosis at bay.
Worry about bad breath? Here’s how to deal with it!

How to find out if you really have it: We aren’t quite able to smell our own breath. Floss between your teeth and smell the floss after 45 seconds or scrape the back of your tongue with a clean cloth and smell it after 45 seconds and you will get to know if you have halitosis.

                  Have you experienced any of the following?
Your bad breath is interfering with your social or professional success.
 You frequently have a bad taste in your mouth.
 People step back from you when you are talking to them, or they avoid direct contact with you.
 Somebody has commented on your bad breath, or offered you mints or chewing gum.
          You experience a white or yellow film on your tongue.
          If you answered yes to any of the above you likely have a chronic bad breath problem.
  • What causes bad breath: In 80-90% of cases, halitosis is caused by tartar deposits on teeth, the other reasons being dental cavities and gum diseases. Unclean dentures, some medicines and strong smelling garlic, onion, alcohol and even smoking can be responsible for an unpleasant mouth and odour. Left uncured, this may cause you embarrassment and dip your confidence levels in long run.
  • How to stop it now: Brush teeth for 2 minutes twice a day, especially after dinner. Avoid snacking after brushing. Rinse between meals and use lukewarm salt water as a mouthwash. Drink plenty of water and eat a well-balanced diet consisting of vegetables and salads. You can also chew cardamom seeds as an instant mouth freshener. Last, but not the least, get dental scaling and cleaning done every year.

Have a Happy Smile!

Health Benefits of Apricot

Posted by Sourav RC 0 comments
The apricot is one of the most important health fruits. It belongs to the sub-acid class. Apricot is very nutritious and tonic food and

An Overview: Tips for Healthy Skin

Posted by Sourav RC 1 comments
These days’ people are becoming more and more health conscious as well conscious about their outer look. Skin care is part of healthy lifes

10 Foods Highest In Vitamin E

Posted by Sourav RC 0 comments
 Vitamin E is a group of 8 fat-soluble vitamins, that are active throughout the body. Antioxidants properties in Vitamin E are great f

Four Silent Symptoms of Stress

Posted by Sourav RC 0 comments
Your body sends clues that you need more time for calm. The occasional manic Monday is a fact of modern life, but if you are under chronic

Stop Bad Breath

Posted by Sourav RC 1 comments
Drink plenty of water to keep halitosis at bay.Worry about bad breath? Here’s how to deal with it! How to find out if you really have it: W

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